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The study was conducted in the eastern region of Syria to know the extent of cultivation development of wheat and cotton production and the factors affecting these crops during 1996-2010. The results showed that the effect of time on the productio n and productivity of wheat was not changed statistically, while the cotton area was decreased significantly during the study period. The total production of wheat was also affected significantly and positively by cultivated area and planting costs per hectare, and negatively by purchase price, while the production of cotton was affected significantly and positively by costs and purchase prices. According to the geographical region, the results showed that the production in the eastern region was significantly affected by Al-Raqqa production for wheat and cotton crops and Al-Hassake production for wheat crop. However, wheat productivity at Deir Ezzor was significantly superior compared to Al-Raqqa and Al-Hassake. The study recommended expanding the cultivation of wheat and cotton and support and expand the role of agricultural extension.
The present study aimed to evaluate the ecological and phytosociological status of panicum turgidum under the environmental conditions of the eastern province of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 48 stands (each of 25 m2, i.e. 1x25 m) were randomly selecte d from three locations (Riyadh, Ogair and Damam) which represent the optimum habitat of P. turgidum. The obtained results showed that the dominated plant species associated with P. turgidum were Cyperus conglomertus, Eragrostis barrelieri, Haloxylon persicum, Haloxylon salicornicum, Heliotropium bocciferum, Launaea mucronata, Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Monsonia nevia and Plantago ovata. P. turgidum, and is recommended as an important grazing vegetation in deep sand soil. Soil salinity (ECe), soil PH, CaCO3, organic matter, soil texture (Sand %) and soil moisture (FC) were the most limiting soil properties affecting P. turgidum distribution naturally at the studied area.
The present study aimed to evaluate the productinty status of panicum turgidum (Thumam) under the environmental conditions of the eastern province of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Forty eight experimental sites (each of 25 m2, i.e. 1*25 m) were randoml y selected from three locations (Roads of Riyadh, Ogair and Damam), which represent the micro-environment of thumam. Obtained results showed that the dominated plant species associated with thumam were Eragrostis barrelieri, Haloxylon salicornicum, Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Plantago ovata and Zygophyllum coccineum. The forage production of thumam was 57 kg dry matter/ha. However, the nutrient value of it was relatively low due to the low protein content (4.2 %) and high crude fiber (30.2 %). Moreover, neutral detergent fiber was 62.4 %, acid detergent fiber was 65.4 % and lignin was 11.70 % which indicate low nutritional forage value, compared with traditional forage crops, i.e. Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana) and Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa). Macronutrient contents (Na, K, Ca and Mg) were in the range of sheep and camel requirements, while P was very low as well as micronutrients (Zn, Cu and Mn).
A field study was carried out at the Al-Maraiah Research Station of the Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Deir ez-Zor, the General Authority for Scientific Agricultural Research, during the 2009, 2010, and 2011 agricultural seasons, to evaluate the response of some cultivars of maize to withstand water stress during the flowering and grain filling stages.

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