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Wireless sensor network simulation programs provide representation for an actual system, without needing to deploy real testbed which is highly constrained by the available budget, and the direct operations inside physical layer in most of these prog rams are hidden and work implicitly. This is what motivated us to build a kernel for a virtual simulation platform to be able to simulate protocol operations and algorithms at the node processing unit level, The proposed system aims to observe the execution of operations at the low level of the wireless sensor physical infrastructure with the ability to modify at this level. Since secure routing is considered one of the most challenges in WSN field, so we apply in this paper one of the secure routing algorithms inside the GUI of the proposed system to observe execution at the low level of processor operations, which give us the ability to discover the weakness of algorithms and improve them. Three scenarios were applied to evaluate the performance of the proposed simulation platform. The results demonstrate a high flexibility and effectiveness of this platform in tracing the progress of operations performed within the wireless sensor nodes at the Assembly language level.

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