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The study aimed to provide the procedural proposals of developing economic awareness at students of technical secondary schools in Egypt in the light of some contemporary international trends .The study used a descriptive approach through which it is possible to describe and analyze modern the international trends .The study concluded a group of procedural proposals represented in : Involving the students in managing some of the school financial affairs (such as ,managing the school cafeteria ) .Forming student social contact groups through social networks to discuss the current economic matters ,providing the school with books and references and scientific resources concerned about developing the economic awareness at students of technical education , provision of the financial corporeal support required for teachers, increasing the number of teachers, , paying attention to train the teachers and raising their efficiency, skills through holding training courses in the field of financial and economic awareness, designing school curricula in a manner coping with the current economic situation and reinforcing the economic skills of the students', including the subject of the economic education so that it can be binding to the students of technical secondary schools throughout the three –year system or the five-year system , Including the financial culture subject in all various subjects of the Egyptian Curricula, allocating one day in the school year to be the Saving Day, making plays for some wrong economic behaviors and habits spread in the Egyptian community, Organizing trips and field visits to factories and economic institutions.
BaghdadAbstractThe successive technological developments in the media industry led to its entry into a new era characterized by a straight news flow around the world, which resulted in a change in the world of journali stic art to the world of visual art. Because the press photo has taken a distinguished position and a key role in achieving the goals of the press, and as a result of the rapid development in the manufacture of patterns and in the way of transferring and processing photos. This led to the transformation of some paper newspapers into electronic ones, and the use of the image in most of the news became from a silent image to a moving picture. This is due to the awareness of the press institutions of the importance of the image in the newspaper, and the press image is the most critical pillar of the structural elements used in the output units of electronic newspapers. Because of its impactful ability and essential meanings that it carries to future, and after the emergence of Internet networks, which became the lifeblood of users. Because of the services it provides in various areas of life, and thanks to the applications. it offers that facilitate access to them, the website is one of the most essential services provided by the Internet to humans.
The question for anyone who has a statement that claims to be the first statement, that is, a statement that opens the way to wisdom and true knowledge, is this: How can the speaker -he be reassured about the truth. of his statement? So, when he claims this truth, how can he affirm with fullness and certainty that what he expresses through the words of the declaration is the substance of the truth.
The objective of this research is to conduct a systematic literature review, analyzing the influence of implementing the ChatGPT tool in the field of education. The data for this study was gathered through a systematic review of studies published sin ce the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. Three prominent educational databases (Web of Science, Taylor& Francis Online, Eric) were utilized for this purpose. The study incorporated a sample of 18 relevant studies, and a descriptive and quantitative methodology was employed to present the most noteworthy findings. The outcomes indicate that the incorporation of ChatGPT in the educational setting positively impacts the teaching and learning processes. Nevertheless, the results also shed light on topics such as factors that determine students' attitudes toward the application, positive and negative effects, and how to ensure academic integrity when applying AI in education. Despite ChatGPT's potential to enhance the educational experience, its successful integration hinges on educators being well-versed in its functionalities. These insights lay a robust foundation for future research endeavors and informed decision-making concerning the incorporation of ChatGPT in educational contexts.
Physical properties of soil in terms of calculating the gravitational water percentage, calculating moisture in the soil, and calculating porosity by calculating the apparent and true density.
This scientific study aims to evaluate the effects of bowel preparation on the outcomes of scheduled colorectal surgery. The study included a group of 83 patients, 37 without bowel preparation and 46 with bowel preparation. Perioperative outcomes of patients were evaluated, including surgical site infection (SSI) rates, postoperative complications, and length of hospital stay. The results concluded that bowel preparation before scheduled colorectal surgery has no superiority in reducing SSI and postoperative complications (anastomotic leakage, occurrence of abdominal or pelvic abscesses), as well as shortening the length of hospital stay, and did not show any clear advantage over the patients without mechanical bowel preparation.
Enteral feeding is preferred route of nutrition support in critically ill adults when GIT function is good. Enteral nutrition is recommended method to be used when oral feeding fails, so the nutrition is delivered through a tube inserted into the sto mach. Enteral nutrition has some complications; Mechanical complications are represented by pulmonary aspiration. Pulmonary aspiration is defined as inhalation of the contents of the mouth, pharynx or stomach into the respiratory tract. So it's important to evaluate pulmonary aspiration occurrence, this may help in prevention care. This study aimed to evaluate pulmonary aspiration among critically ill patients who have Enteral feeding by using nasogastric tube. Descriptive study was performed using convenience sample of (n=15) patients at intensive care unit in tishreen university hospital in lattakia, Syria. Data were collected during the period of 16/2 to 16/5 2022. A structured questionnaire used in the study was developed by researcher, this tool was tested for reliability and validity, a pilot study was done for 3 nurses to test the tool applicability. This study results show the presence blue colure (which added to feeding meal) in the aspirated secretion in the first day at the third suction trial. This study recommended applying an evidenced based practice written protocol about enteral feeding in ICU, to decrease the incidence of pulmonary aspiration.
A laboratory experiment was carried out in the Clay Minerals and Colloids Laboratory in the Department of Soil Sciences and Land Reclamation at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering - University of Aleppo. The research aims to know the effect of tw o types of salts (NaCl - Na2SO4) with five concentrations of each of the salts studied in the laboratory experiment on the stability of artificial soil aggregates and to know the salt concentrations that cause the greatest damage in the destruction of artificial soil aggregates. The results indicated the effect of the increased concentration of salts in increasing the percentage of aggregates that were subjected to collapse. The study also indicated that soil aggregates were damaged more by sodium chloride salt compared to sodium sulfate salt. The results indicated that sodium chloride salt contributes to the destruction of soil aggregates, especially at a concentration of 10 g.𝓁-1, where the percentage of destroyed aggregates reached about 35%. Sodium sulfate salt also contributed to the destruction of soil aggregates, and the highest value for the percentage of destroyed aggregates was (25.1%) at a concentration of 8 g.𝓁-1.
The research included the implementation of a laboratory experiment and a field experiment in two successive seasons, where the laboratory experiment was carried out by using columns of PVC columns, where the effect of magnetized water was tested on several types of soils varying in salinity and spread in the study area east of Aleppo (Kaskis – musharifa Al – Zakia-Rasm al-Hamis). The technology of water magnetization was applied by using a special device manufactured at the Department of Soil Science and land reclamation at the Faculty of agricultural engineering of the University of Aleppo. The device was manufactured for laboratory and field work within a magnetic field whose intensity reached (2000) Gauss. The first type of water was also brought from a well in the village of Rasm al-Hamis (2.1) dS.m-1.the second sample was also brought from a well in the village of musharifa Al-Zakiya (3.4) dS.m-1.the third sample of water used in this study was representative of the water of the Euphrates river canal (0.70) dS.m-1. The technology of using magnetized water deliberately caused a decrease in the PH values of the three types of water, a slight decrease in the values of the electrical conductivity of irrigation water using magnetized water was also observed, and a decrease in the values of the specific weight of irrigation water after its magnetization was observed in the three types of water used. Magnetization with the wash coefficient applied by the experiment (15%) contributed to reducing the electrical conductivity values of the three soils, as it was noted that the effect of the magnetization technique was of a significant nature on the soils of the Hamis sketch, where before the experiment they were classified as high-salinity soils and by the effect of the magnetization technique, at the end of the experiment they turned into low-salinity soils. The results obtained from the Rasm al-Hamis soil confirmed that irrigation water with a washing coefficient, whether magnetized or non-magnetized, effectively contributed to the washing of salts from the surface layer of the soil compared to the soil salinity value before the experiment, which amounted about (4.1) dS.m-1, as the magnetized Euphrates water contributed to the washing of salts from the surface layer of the soil by 10% increase compared to the same treatment irrigated with non-magnetized water, as well as when using the magnetic wells of Rasm al-Hamis and Musharafat Al-Zakiya, where the magnetized water contributed to the washing of salts by 19% and 9.8% more than the same transactions irrigated with ordinary water for the surface layer of the soil, and the decrease was of a significant nature. The results in the soil columns also indicated that a significant decrease in the SAR and ESP values of the three soils was achieved, and therefore magnetization had an important role in washing the sodium cation from the soil. With regard to the future leachate from the soil columns, higher values of electrical conductivity and the rate of absorbed sodium were observed in the leachate of transactions irrigated with magnetized water compared to the leachate of transactions irrigated with ordinary water without magnetization for the three soils. this confirmed the role of magnetization technology in washing salts from the soil solution, especially sodium cation. this has been positively reflected on the physical properties of the soil, where the magnetization technology contributed to improving soil porosity values. the improvement was significant in the soils of Rasm al-Hamis and as a poke and not significant in the soil of Musharafat Al-Zakiya. Moving on to the field experiment, the field experiment was designed using a completely randomized block design with (3) replications, so that the first factor includes irrigation techniques: magnetized water (M) and non-magnetized water (NM), and the second factor is the addition of organic fertilizers to the soil, which included three coefficients: municipal fertilizer (O), humic acid (H) In addition to the control treatment (C). The area of the experimental piece was 16 m2, The number of plants within the experimental plot reached 120 plants. The Maize crop was planted on 29/6/2021 for the first season and on 9/7/2022 for the second. The results indicated the role of magnetization technology in reducing the electrical conductivity values of the studied coefficients compared to the control treatment coefficients in the surface and subsurface layers with an average value of 10.28%. The results also confirmed that magnetization plays an important role in washing the Na+ ion, and this was clearly reflected in the SAR value of the soil, where the SAR value when irrigated with ordinary water was about 3.16, while it decreased to 2.79 when irrigated with magnetized water, and this decrease was of a significant nature, which in turn affected the reduction of ESP values of the soil. The results indicated that magnetization clearly affected soil cations, especially Na+, and also directly affected the SO4-2 ion, where the concentration of SO4-2 decreased by 14.4% when irrigating with magnetized water compared to the control treatment. The results confirmed the role of the magnetization technique in improving porosity values. The data pointed to the important role of municipal fertilizer, potassium Humate in reducing the electrical conductivity values, and the treatment of municipal fertilizer was statistically superior to potassium Humate, whether irrigation with magnetized water or ordinary water. Organic compound with magnetized water also contributed to improving the physical qualities of the soil, which was positively reflected on the values of the index of deterioration of soil properties compared to the control treatment coefficients. This improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the soil positively affected the availability of nutrients in the soil in general, and microelements in particular, which contributed to an improvement in the productivity values of the Maize crop, which reached its highest value when irrigated with magnetic water about 7.43 tons/h, and potassium Humate with irrigation with magnetic water raised the productivity value to 8.49 tons/h, while the treatment of municipal fertilizer with irrigation with magnetic water surpassed the rest of the transactions, where productivity reached about 9.1 tons/h in the first season of the experiment, and the productivity values also improved slightly in the second season compared to the first.
In this research, the effect of different concentrations of Lavender oil on the growth of was studied Fusarium oxysporum،Acremonium strictum and all studied concentrations showed a clear inhibitory effect against this fungus.The inhibitory activity v aried according to the different concentrations The concentrations (0.06-0.04-0.03-0.02-0.01 ml/g) ) showed 100% inhibition against A. strictum and the inhibition percentage was 64.51% at 0.002ml/g and 58.04% ،35.48% 12.9at a concentration of (0.004،0.002،0.001 ml/g) on the seventh day of incubation. The concentrations (0.06-0.04-0.03-0.02-0.01-0.006-0.004-0.002 ml/g) showed 100% inhibition against Fusarium oxysporum and the inhibition percentage was38.82% at 0.001ml/g on the seventh day of incubation. The inhibitory activity varied according to the different concentrations (0.06-0.04-0.03-0.02-0.01-0.006-0.002-0.001 ml/g) ) showed 100% inhibition against A. strictum and the inhibition The lethal concentration (MBC) value of Lavender oil against A. strictum was 0.01 ml/g And the inhibitory concentration (MIC) was 0.02 ml/g while the inhibitory concentration (MIC)and the lethal concentration (MBC) against F.oxysporum were 0.002 ml/g

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